Business content
This page introduces the achievements of the Institute of Island Biology.
- Mongoose control project
- Management and Prevention of invasive mammal species
- Management and prevention of Invasive Amphibian and Reptile Species
- Capture and prevention of invasive boar populations
- Maintenance and management of the anti-mongoose fence to stop northward migration
- Planning stages for the Iriomote wildcat population estimation surveys and Organization on the prevention of Iriomote wildcat road accidents
- Implementation stage of the Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park feral goat monitoring and management, etc.
- Mongoose control project
- Management and prevention of invasive mammals
- Management and prevention of invasive amphibians and reptiles
- Capture and prevention of invasive boar populations Maintenance and management of the anti-mongoose fence to stop northward migration of mongooses
- Examination of transportable fences to prevent Iriomote wildcat roadkill accidents
- Investigation of Iriomote Wildcat Habitat on Iriomote Island
- Japanese wild boar feces and stomach content analysis
- Investigation of Sika deer habitat conditions in Nagasaki Prefecture
- Mongoose control project
- Maintenance and management of the anti-mongoose fence to stop northward migration of mongooses
- Capture and prevention of invasive boar populations Wild goat habitat survey on Iriomote Island
- Examination of transportable fences to prevent Iriomote wildcat roadkill accidents
- Invasive Japanese Weasel control project in the Miyako Islands
- Invasive Green anole prevention project
- Invasive Taiwan beauty snake prevention
- Investigation of endemic rare animals and predatory alien species on Miyako Island and surrounding islands, and awareness and dissemination of endemic species conservation
(WWF: Joint research with University of the Ryukyus)
- Mongoose control project
- Invasive Japanese Weasel control project in the Miyako Islands
- Invasive Green anole prevention projects
- Taiwanese beauty snake prevention
- Investigation of rare endemic animals and predatory invasive species on Miyako Island and surrounding islands, and spreading awareness of endemic species conservation
(WWF: joint research with University of the Ryukyus)
- Mongoose control project
- Invasive Japanese Weasel control project in the Miyako Islands
- Green anole prevention project
- Taiwanese geo prevention
- Maintenance and management of the anti-mongoose fence to stop northward migration of mongooses